Managed to watch Hanna today, billed as a Bourne-style movie but featuring a genetically modified teenager who has been raised in the wild by her father (Eric Bana), honing her skills as an assasin, getting her ready for the day when she is able to go into the world but at the same time she would be hunted by the American government.
What certainly started off as as a very intriguing and enthralling film slowly seemed to lose itself into itself. It felt as though it didn't know what to do and ending up falling a bit flat. The action was few and far between and wasn't all that impressive, certainly not in the same league as the Bourne movies.
The cast were all quite good, Saoirse Ronan did a good job in her lead role. Eric Bana was ok, good start but then fell off towards the end, but that was more down to his character's role just becoming bland - he just ended up running lots but the directing was a bit poor making scenes hop about all over the place. Cate Blanchett was not good in her role, she looked like Agent Scully from the X-files and her American accent was over the place more than a certain premiership footballer. As accents go all the lead cast members were ropey at times but I guess that's what happens when you have one Australian playing an American and another playing a German, and a American-born-Irish-raised girl playing a German whose accent slipped so much at time she sounded English.
Hanna is the sort of movie that has so much premise yet it falls flat on its face. We have seen it happen way too many times. It's not action packed despite its promising opening twenty minutes and it's not heartfelt enough for you to get attached to Hanna enough to care what happens to her.
Overall I felt kind of disappointed but would still recommend it for those lazy Sunday afternoons when there's nothing else to do.
IMHO gives Hanna 5/10
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